Recommended by Japanese physicians

Otolaryngologist Dr. Saki Mitsuka

"There are countless bacteria in nasal mucus. By promptly sucking out nasal mucus, we can effectively prevent colds or stop the worsening of symptoms in the early stages of a cold. I also suck out nasal mucus for my own baby at home, and I have seen obvious effect. As a physician and a mother, I strongly recommend parents to take care of their babies by sucking out their nasal mucus."

Shinichi Moriwaki

"I have been a dermatologist for 30 years. When I see children with skin allergies or atopic dermatitis, I usually prescribe steroid creams or moisturizers for them. However, I found in a clinical trial conducted at Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University that the calendula plant extract formula in the baby skin care series does not contain steroids, and has great moisturizing effects, while relieving inflammation. The efficacy and safety of the baby skin care series are remarkable to dermatologists. We sincerely recommend it to families who are battling with their child's dry skin or atopic dermatitis."

Recommended by European and American physicians

Dr. William E. Berger | M.D., M.B.A
Author of “Allergies and Asthma for Dummies”

"Chronic nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms in children. The first step in treatment is to suck out the nasal mucus because the nasal mucus is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and viruses in the nasal cavity. Children often develop sinusitis or have middle ear infections. Almost 80% of American children have experienced at least one ear infection before the age of three.

In order to prevent potential bacterial infections that might cause upper respiratory tract infections in children, we advise the parents to suck out their child's nasal mucus. An electric nasal aspirator is a good natural method for sucking out nasal mucus. We hope that children can avoid ear and nose diseases, a health child brings peace of mind to the parents."

Kristen Altdoerffer | DNP, CRNP, CPNP-PC
Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions Assistant

"I really like the function of this electric nasal aspirator, and would like to recommend it to all parents, as well as other medical workers. For nasal congestion in infants, parents and medica workers often worry about triggering asthma attacks or ear infections. This electric nasal aspirator can help infants to breathe more easily."

Marina Burstein | M.D., FAAP

"I personally recommend this to my patients. It is simple and effective, and parents are very satisfied. In my clinical observation, if parents start using it from the early stages of their child's respiratory symptoms, the risk of ear infections can be greatly reduced. Children usually have difficulty blowing their nose properly, so this nasal aspirator is really great! Some older kids even ask to use it when they don’t feel well!"

Cindy Salm Bauer | MD,
Pediatric Allergist and Clinical Immunologist

"As a specialist in children's allergies and immunology, I recommend this electric nasal aspirator. A large amount of nasal secretions may lead to allergies or illness. This product can quickly and effectively suck out the nasal mucus. It's easy to use and easy to clean! I even use it at home to take care of my own children. It's a great product!"